Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

What a beautiful sight to behold with the glistening snow falling this morning. We couldn't let the day go by without Charlie experiencing it first hand. Living in Mississippi, who knows if this will happen again before he's 6! As we continue through Advent, may each of your lives be filled with the love, laughter and joy only a child can bring.............
Blessings to all!
Charles, Julie and Charlie

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Blessed Thanksgiving!!!!!!!

Just settling in from a long day of fun with our families........the beginning of memories created for Charlie! We are thankful for the gift of our precious son Charles Jackson.

Love to all,

Charles, Julie and Charlie

Blessed Thanksgiving to all!

Blessed Thanksgiving to all!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

My First Halloween

Here are some pics from Halloween. Charlie wasn't much for not being able to move around and didn't care for the headpiece but he still is absolutely precious!!!!!!! He enjoyed playing with the candy in the wrapper - the crinkling noise was so funny to him. Next year he'll be all into the candy.

Preparing for his first Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love to all,
Charles, Julie and Charlie

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!

Well, we were headed to the beach this week but Charlie is having tubes put in on Monday so we'll be spending Halloween here. Not sure how long he'll last in his costume since he's such an active boy - he's into everything these days...........especially the things that aren't for him to play with. The front and side of his crib are missing the varnish and wood where he knaws on it constantly. He's walking all around his bed and the play yard and wants to pull up on proofing the house is no small chore.
We went to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday at church and he didn't want much of it - I managed to get a few pictures of him - he was more interested in the grass and not the pumpkins. Enjoy our precious little boy - we certainly are!!!!!!!
Lastly, his birth certificates are here - YEA!!!!!! Now we can proceed with getting his social security card.
Love to all,
Charles, Julie and Charlie