Monday, June 16, 2008

Not Feeling So Spunky................

There are "first times" for lots of wonderful things in the development and growth of our precious Charlie. Not this one though - I woke up sick on Friday and ended up seeing the doctor that afternoon - sinus infection, ear infections and all around feeling crummy. After a Rocephin shot and an oral antibiotic for 10 days, I am well on my way to recovery. But, as I drove up to the the doctor's office for my appointment, daddy called to say Charlie had awakened from his nap with a nose full of green goop. While I was at Dr. S's office, I told her about it - she said to call her if I thought he needed to come in for her to see. Got home - sure enough he had 102.4 temp and wasn't feeling so spunky himself. I could hear the congestion although daddy had already cleaned out his nose. So, I called Dr. S and she said to bring him in on Saturday morning. I told Charlie I figured out his little scheme - you see, since he had just seen her the week before for his reflux issues, he decided her really likes her and wanted to see her again and not have to wait til his June 30th, 4-month check-up. Bet after that visit he won't be so anxious to go back after 3 shots. Now we are back home on 10 days of the "pink" medicine, fortunately no ear infections for him, just allergies and sinus. He's had no fever since Saturday but I can still hear the congestion so you can bet at least one bottle a day is going to come up as he coughs and gags. Godmother Jennifer felt so bad for me since Charlie was not feeling well and I quickly remided her I had been through alot worse than this before. So as Charlie I snuggled Saturday and Sunday trying to make each other feel better, I found comfort in popsicles daddy brought home and so did Charlie.......I'm not sure whether he liked the coldness or the flavor but he loved it and here are some pics to show you just how much. Reminds me of the day my great niece Hannah, who is now 11 years old, was running around in her diaper and had eaten a red popsicle - stains all over her from chin to belly to the top of her diaper and what a cute sight to see. The other photos are of Charlie trying to tell me just how hungry he is - so hungry he could eat his play gym. Father's Day was wonderful - just having reason to celebrate it made it extra special - since we felt bad, daddy just allowed us to "hang out" and have a lazy day at home. I did "country cookin'" on Sunday - a treat we don't have too much anymore. Our final post place adoption visit was Friday and we are glad to be able to move forward with finalization in Mississippi. Just a few more "items" to take care of and prayerfully we will have a court date the first of July....likely after the 4th. Thanks for checking in on us and please keep Godmother Jen's Aunt Julie in your prayers for strength and comfort as she recovers from a broken hip, surgery on Monday and some complications. Keep Jen close in prayer too for sanity - she's got a lot on her right now and needs prayers for guidance.

Love to all!

Charles, Julie and Charlie

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