Saturday, July 12, 2008

Slow Down - You Move To Fast............................

We have to make this moment last. So, kickin' off your cobble shoes, skippin' around and feeling groovy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know how the lyrics go. These days Charlie is all over the place.....wanting so much to sit on his own and explore the world he sees in front of him. We've seemed to work out all the kinks with the reflux and allergies.................thank goodness for Prevacid and Zyrtec. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not really an advocate of meds unless absolutely necessary. In Charlie's case, I'm perfectly fine with something that makes him feel better. Since our last visit with Dr. S., Charlie weighs 16 pounds and is 26 inches long. Yes that's right, 6 inches growth since he was born. Growing in leaps and bounds and bringing much love, laughter, joy and giggles to the Crump household.

Here's the deal - Charlie is at the in between stage where he can't quit sit on his on for long periods of time by himself and DOES NOT want to be confined to a swing or bouncy set. Our family room looks like an isle out of Babies R' Us with all the bright-colored activity centers lined around the room and the basket full of toys. It won't be long before he's getting into all of it by himself. He found his feet and tongue in the last 2 weeks and loves to talk loudly to you. Putting his feet in his mouth while rocking back and forth is one of his favorite things to do and most of all he loves it when you are in the floor with him.

The next thing on our agenda in a couple of weeks is to finalize here in Mississippi - all documents are in order and we are waiting for the Bar Convention to be over so a judge is in town to give his "stamp of approval" and we are home free. This is a little quicker than most but persistence has been my main priority. We look forward to establishing a "Family Day" on this day with each year bringing something fun and exciting to do.....just for the 3 of us. Something incredible to celebrate the life of Charles Jackson and to relish in the glory of God's wondrous works! So church is another thing - can't quit get in a routine of going unless it disturbs Charlie's schedule so I opt not to throw him off and we have church at home. I think within the next month his naps will level out and 8AM service will be the best for us. Not an excuse - just a fact of life at this present time.

Thanks to the wonderful gift from my dear friends, Charlie will be having his pictures made at Marion Silber in early August. They do such an incredible job and we are fortunate to have such a meaningful relationship with them - looking forward to watching them make Charlie laugh. "Laughter is like a good medicine". Proverbs

Here are some pics from the past 2 weeks - no pictures showing the back side because he's bald as an Eagle - Aunt LeLe commented about his "comb over" the other night when they were here. Thanks Matt for getting me a new computer, up and running - don't know what we'd do without friends.

Enjoy his smiles and when looking at them imagine his sweet, little laughter. He is a love and truly a Gracious Gift From God! Love to all!

Charles, Julie and Charlie


Samantha said...

I'm so happy for new updates! Charlie is growing so fast!! I'm sure you're ready for all of the 'red tape' to be finished. I like the idea of having a family day to celebrate every year ... like an anniversary! We plan to continue our hearing parties each September to celebrate Sophie's miracle. It brings us closer as a family and lets her know how special she is to us. :) I know that Charlie will know how blessed he is to be in such a loving home!

(That is one of my very favorite songs, by the way!)

LeAndMatt said...

Charlie - We had so much fun with you last week while working on your mamma's computer. Looks like you are having some fun splashing around in your pool. Can't believe how much you have grown!

Love Aunt LeLe

P.S. Julie - Family Day is so much fun and I can't wait for the three of you to establish a yearly tradition. Matt & I take off work, Patrick stays home from school and it is all about 'us'. Hopefully that dang convention will hurry up and end so we can get that wonderful seal on those papers!