Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Good Morning!

Sorry for not updating last night as promised but I fell asleep waiting for Julie to call. I never heard from her as I am sure she was wiped out from the days events. They are signing the paperwork this morning so please keep them in your prayers that everything will be VERY uneventful. I just posted on my own blog about praying for this birthmother in Utah. We will never know who this woman is and to all of us, she is has no face. But to Julie and Charles, she carries the face of Jesus and that is something I encourage all of you to do today. BE the face of Jesus to the people in your life today to honor a woman who loved her child so much that she wanted better for him. As we rejoice with the Crumps today, remember to keep her heart in your prayers. I will update the blog when I hear something so check back later on today.

Have a great humpday!


1 comment:

Heather said...

Dear Julie & Charlie,

We were thrilled to get this amazing news - how wonderful!! He has come into this world with such an enormous support group & a precious guardian angel to watch over him - what a lucky little one he is!

When I heard the news, thanks to Renee!!, tears came to my eyes & I screamed! We cannot wait to meet your son!

Love to your family,
Heather, Mike, Reagan & Cade Harrison