Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Crump Household Update

Well, we are settling in to a normal routine after Charlie's little manly sugery last week. The first 2 days were the worst and Tylenol helped us out with that delima. There was really only one day when he was uncomfortable but it broke momma's heart to have to change his diaper. Daddy wasn't fond of it either and wouldn't look - it took both of us to hold his legs down and change the diaper since his cute little foot always wanted to bump up against it - OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! He never missed a beat on eating though. Charlie is beginning to recognize his voice and develop his own little personality. He is such a calm baby - he is starting to play after his feedings and have more "wake time" and then will gently settle down for sweet slumber. He's still sleeping 5-7 hours a night although the time is getting earlier when he "retires for the evening" so he is getting up between 2-4 to eat and then returning to sleep for 3-5 hours. God has truly blessed us with an easy child. Some say we followed God's command with Nelson and now He is rewarding us. I tend to agree. Dr. Sethi saw him last week and the entire office was ooohhhhing and aaahhhing over him and how much he looks like us. Another testimony to God's handiwork. Charlie is growing good having grown 1 3/4 inches longer and up to a whopping 9.5 pounds. We go back next week for another growth/weight check and we'll report back to you. He did have to get another heel stick but he didn't cry for long - Utah State Dept. of Health requires it or I would have never subjected him to it. She went over his shot schedule and told us she really didn't want him out if he doesn't have to be out. We're taking walks up and down the driveway and spending time on the deck for fresh air and he loves being outside. There are just too many "bugs" out this year that he does not need to be exposed too. Ssssoooo, Easter Sunday church is out. He'll have to sport his cute outfit and Pottery Barn bib and burpcloth (Thanks! Aunt Karen) around the house and we'll take lots of pictures.

I promise to get better at "blogging". All my friends have these "luxury" pages so I guess I've got to keep up with the Joneses. Pictures and video will be our beginning point of learning but we'll get the hang of it! We are enjoying each and every second of our adorable son Charles Jackson and he is adding daily laughter to our lives, only the kind a child can give. Just makes mommy and daddy silly sometimes.

And as for the mini-van......................it coming just like Renee, LeAnna and Jennifer! Never thought I'd do it! Guess it seals the deal..........

Love to all! Charles, Julie and Charlie - our Gracious Gift from God


Renee said...

Look at that sweet boy!! He is growing growing!!! Landry is ready to come see her fella again soon :)!

Samantha said...

He is such a handsome boy! I don't blame you for wanting to keep him safe inside, away from mosquitoes and pollen and germs!! I know you're enjoying having him around! I hope you have a wonderful Easter ... I'm sure you will!

Jennifer said...

Happy one month old birthday little one! Can't wait to see you again.